The APL-AHA Digital Inclusion Partnership is working to provide devices, access, and training to Albany Housing residents. The partnership is proceeding beautifully despite some delays. The first batch of devices have arrived and will be distributed this summer. Albany Housing is accepting applications from residents who would like a device. (Apply here, or using QR code below.) Albany Housing residents and community partners who would like to get involved should join us for a community bbq at Ezra Prentice Homes on August 5.

Do you know, or are you, an Albany Housing resident who recently graduated from high school or college, or who recently enrolled in college or vocational school? You are eligible for a free laptop from the APL-AHA Digital Inclusion Partnership. Click on the QR Code or click here to apply online, or look for application forms at 200 S. Pearl Street and at Albany Public Library branches.

Devices: The first 40 chromebooks for distribution have arrived! Albany Housing Authority is accepting applications from residents for a free device.  Eligible applicants this summer are recent graduates who completed high school or college since May of 2020, or new students who have enrolled in university, community college, or vocational school since May of 2020.
Our next batch of devices will be distributed to residents 65 years or older beginning in October. Stay tuned for more information.

Access: Supply chain disruptions have delayed our installation of new access points. We will not have new access points online for September 1, 2022: we expect new access points to go online at some point in October. Existing APL WiFi access points at Albany Housing, which have been online since 2020, will be marked with denoted with new “WiFI Available Here” signs this summer.

Look for these signs at Albany Housing Authority locations to find APL WiFi.

Training: The Albany Public Library will begin providing digital literacy instruction for Albany Housing residents this August. Instruction will be offered to recipients of free devices this summer and fall, and may expand to wider public programming in the future.

Follow the #keepalbanyconected hashtag to stay up to date about the Digital Inclusion Partnership. And to find out more about Digital Inclusion and Digital Equity news across New York, sign up for the New York State Library “Digital Equity” listserv.