It’s Free Book Friday

Today’s #freebookfriday is “Dragons in a Bag” written by Zetta Elliott and illustrated by Geneva.

Do you want to join in the contest? Visit our Facebook page between 12pm and 4pm today, February 18th, and answer this question:

If you had to take care of two baby dragons, where would you hide them?

You can put your answer in the comments on this photo, or post your answer on your wall and tag @FFofAPL and hashtag #FreeBookFriday.

You must post by 4pm. Winners will be announced here on Facebook at 4:30pm. You must pick up your book from Delaware Branch of Albany NY Library . Visit our #freebookfriday contest page for full rules and a list of other books. And read on for more info about Dragons in a Bag.

About the book: In Brooklyn, nine-year-old Jax joins Ma, a curmudgeonly witch who lives in his building, on a quest to deliver three baby dragons to a magical world, and along the way discovers his true calling.

Click here to check it out on the Upper Hudson Library catalog. (Sign in with your library card and you can request a copy!)

PARENTS: Read up on “Dragon’s in a Bag” in Commonsense Media.